After the weekend was spent getting the kids' rooms (except the loft) in order, I decided this week to tackle our master closet, FINALLY.
I didn't take a before pic, but let me paint a picture with words:
The floor was covered in stacks of an unholy number of ACU pants and tops. Random books scattered about. A duffel bag here, a small luggage bag there. A huge, impeding stack of coat hangers made opening the door all the way impossible. Here's a shoe. Oh, look, there's its mate. Oh, no it's not. Baby clothes. Maternity swimsuit. A t-shirt I didn't know I had. The shelves were exploding with t-shirts and jeans and shorts and everything else.
Some minimal effort at folding and stacking in an organized manner had been made, but not enough. The closet bar was straining under the weight of 12,003 shirts, pants, and dresses no one will ever wear.
Now the photos you are about to see may not look like much, but please believe me when I say it's a HUGE, monumental improvement.
Look at the floor. It's empty!
I took some pics of the boys' room too. It's not the most awesome room ever, but at least it's clean!
And here's their closet...
Orian's Lego bucket is in the closet, and he plays Legos in the closet, LOL. It's a little weird.
It's a relief to have those things taken care of even though there is still so much to do. It takes me a while to get things done because when I start to work on something, THIS happens:
Among my other recent failures, pumpkin fudge. It was more like pumpkin sludge. Delicious, sweet, sugary sludge. Nice.
And then yesterday I ruined my area rug. I was vacuuming and smelled a burning smell. I turned it off immediately, but it was too late. Not sure what happened, but there's a melty, burny hole in my rug. D'oh!
I am 32 weeks today and took a pic but when I uploaded it I noticed I look pretty much like I did at 29 weeks. So, if you want to see a belly pic, look at the one from 29 weeks. HA. I seriously didn't see any change at all.
PS - I had to do and re-do, and then do and re-do again this stupid post because it kept messing up. Because I put so much effort into it, it's only fair that EVERYONE who even GLANCES at it leaves me a comment. Seriously.
I am commenting because you told me to. But you aren't going to be too happy to see what I have to say...
The pictures aren't working. While I love your descriptions, I would love even more to see pictures of your amazing organizational skills!
ditto on the pics.
but you are seriously amazing.....
It's so nice when you can see your closet floor.. I hear ya!
Good work.
Argh. Thanks ladies.
Dana, you give me tooooo much credit!
I fought with the pics for a lot longer than I should have. I don't know what I'm doing wrong this time.
I'm going to fix it. Just can't right now. It's making me angry.
I burned a hole in the upholstery (it seriously took firefox five minutes to figure out how to spell that word) of one of our chairs one time. It was a basking lamp. D'oh!
The house looks great! We need to come by again and mess it up! Ha!
See you soon sis! Love ya!
Oh, the word verification for me to post is: butgal ha ha!
I love your pictures. I love getting the play by play of your life! It will make it much easier for me to fit in when I move in there. It will already feel like home!
Cailyn has that same Gymboree outfit Izzy is wearing. They look like twins!
The closet looks awesome! I'm impressed! I wonder what burned on the carpet??? Maybe some toy got stuck in there...
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